
My name is Evan Lang. I work for IdentityMine, Inc. developing complex visual effects, animation, and means of user interaction for use in WPF.

This blog is intended to highlight many of the underlying technical and mathematical considerations that go into producing a good WPF-based application. The focus is on graphical elements, such as animation, shaders, and raw DirectX; as well as on NUI principles, and the controlling mechanics that go along with it.

My employer, IdentityMine, creates rich and expressive user experiences, with a special emphasis on Microsoft Surface. We’ve developed several demos for Microsoft, both for Surface and other technologies, some of which were even demoed by Bill Gates himself (seek to 27:00 in the video of Bill’s keynote). In addition we’ve given visual “facelifts” to many third party applications, and have acted as user experience consultants for others. I was also a member of the team that developed Splice, a popular video editing app for the iPhone.

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